Contact us

RUDOLF ECKEL Federnfabrik GmbH
Thetener Straße 24
D-57368 Lennestadt-Trockenbrück

Tel.: +49 (0)2721/9425-0
Fax:  +49 (0)2721/9425-25
E-Mail: info[a]

Please find the data of your contact person here.

This is how you find us:

Lennestadt is located in the south-east of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is the most populous city in the district of Olpe, embedded in the picturesque Sauerland with a high recreational value.

In this region, the iron, steel and metal-working industry as well as steel manufacturing and engineering have a long tradition.

Transport connections

Essen – Hagen – Siegen 
(railway station Lennestadt-Altenhundem)
on workdays from 6.00 am until 6.00 pm
every hour.

Bundesstraßen (A-roads):
B55, 236 and 517
Bundesautobahnen (federal motorways):
Connection to BAB 45 (BAB = motorway exit) „Sauerlandlinie“
and BAB 4 Köln – Olpe

Eckel Federn | Thetener Straße 24 | 57368 Lennestadt-Trockenbrück